Saturday, 03 August 2024 12:15

Chinese Christian Delegation Visits Charlotte: Faith and Cultural Exchange Across the Ocean

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Reverend Wang Bin, Head of Chinese Ministry at the American Outreach Foundation (Celebrity Media Journalist Photo) 

Celebrity Media learned from Reverend Wang Bin, Head of Chinese Ministry at the American Outreach Foundation, that on August 31, 2024—a special Saturday—a Chinese Christian delegation will visit the city of Charlotte, North Carolina. This delegation is visiting at the invitation of the Presbyterian Outreach Foundation of America. During this time, the Chinese Christian delegation will engage in sincere and in-depth exchanges and dialogues with the American Christian community. This event is not only a convergence of faith but also a cross-cultural exchange between China and the United States, aimed at promoting friendship and cooperation between the Christian communities of both countries, as well as between the people of China and the United States.
Despite changes in China's religious policy environment over the past decade, God's gospel has spread rapidly in China, with the seeds of the gospel taking root and sprouting in the hearts of millions. This event will explore the faith lives of Chinese Christians, their ways of praying, and opportunities for missionary work in China in such an environment.

The Chinese Ministry Forum will be held in Charlotte over the Labor Day weekend, with the Outreach Foundation and Charlotte Westminster Presbyterian Church jointly hosting a delegation of 16 church leaders from China. The delegation includes representatives from the National Chinese Christian Association, five provincial Christian associations, six seminaries, and a Christian social service organization.

This forum is open to pastors, missionary leaders, theological educators, and the broader Christian community who are concerned about Chinese Christian ministry. Through keynote speeches and group discussions, delegation members will provide detailed insights into the current state and key ministries of the Chinese church and explore the possibilities of missionary work in China. The event aims to establish deep friendships and close connections between the churches of China and the United States, jointly promoting the expansion of God's kingdom on earth.

The forum will take place in Charlotte, the "Queen City," inviting attendees to come with humility and a heart for learning, to listen to the voices from the Chinese church, discern God's will, and move forward together on the path guided by God.

For more information about the forum, please contact Reverend Bin Wang, China Ministries Specialist at the Outreach Foundation, via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This event will create new opportunities for exchange and collaboration between the Christian communities of China and the United States, witnessing together the marvelous works that God has accomplished in both nations.
The above image is provided by Reverend Wang Bin of the American Outreach Foundation.