Saturday, 13 January 2024 09:04

New York Chinese Christian Workers Inc. Celebrates 51st Anniversary with Grand Inauguration Ceremony to Honor God

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Celebrity Media Glory Gospel TV reporters Wang Yinsi and Liu Xin report from Flushing, New York: Last night (11th), the New York Chinese Christian Workers Inc. grandly celebrated its 51st anniversary at the Dynasty Court. Over 200 pastors and believers from various places attended the celebration, witnessing the inauguration of the new officers of the Chinese Christian Workers Inc. and the launch of the new year's gospel ministry. This event was not only a review of the past year's achievements but also a vision for the future mission.

One of the highlights of the celebration was the presence of New York State Korean-American Assemblyman Ron Kim and Assemblyman Lester Chang. Despite his busy schedule, Assemblyman Ron Kim took the time to attend the event and delivered an enthusiastic speech. Assemblyman Lester Chang presented a commendation to the Chinese Christian Workers Inc., recognizing their outstanding contributions to the community.

Notably, Assemblyman Ron Kim personally presented inauguration certificates to each new Chinese Christian Workers Inc. member, symbolizing government support for church work and the church's significant role in the community.

The climax of the celebration was the inauguration ceremony of the pastoral staff. In this ceremony, the new pastoral staff, witnessed by many pastors and workers, pledged to glorify God by more effectively carrying out the gospel ministry, demonstrating the Chinese Christian Workers Inc. trust in the church, its members, and their commitment to serving God.

Reverend Yang Enguang, the head of the New York Chinese Christian Workers Inc., delivered an impassioned speech. He emphasized the indispensable role of the church and the Pastoral Staff Association in the community and the importance of pastoral staff in guiding believers and serving the community. He also mentioned the challenges faced by the church and how to overcome these challenges through unity and faith.

The celebration also included praise and worship, as well as a review of the church's history and achievements. Participants shared their faith experiences and experiences and testimonies of spreading Christ's salvation.

This celebration was not only a summary of the New York Chinese Christian Workers Inc. 51 years of service and achievements but also a handover of the new mission to the new officers of the Pastoral Staff Association. Church leaders expressed their continued commitment to spreading the message of love and the gospel in the community while nurturing a new generation of pastoral workers to address the urgent need for Christ's salvation and new life among the large number of Chinese immigrants who have recently entered the United States. 

At the end of the event, Reverend Ye Qiming, the general secretary of the largest gospel organization in North America, the Christian Horn Evangelism Group, offered a blessing prayer for the inauguration ceremony of the Chinese Christian Workers Inc.. Participants prayed together for the future of the church and sought God's guidance and blessings for its global mission.

Reporters from New York's mainstream Chinese media, including the Overseas Chinese Daily News, World Journal, and Sing Tao Daily, also attended and reported on the inauguration ceremony.

The New York Chinese Christian Workers Inc.was established in 1972 with the purpose of fostering connections, sharing information, interceding for one another, offering mutual encouragement, and seeking collaborative ministry efforts. Subsequently, recognizing the need of the Chinese churches in New York City to spread the gospel to the unreached, the association organizes an annual city-wide evangelistic crusade. Additionally, in response to the need for nurturing Chinese believers in New York City, the association conducts revival and spiritual enrichment conferences, training classes, edification courses, and special topic lectures. For the welfare of its members, seminars and retreats are also organized to further strengthen the quality of pastors and preachers. At the same time, the association extends its focus into the community, striving to exert positive energy among the community members.
To maintain the Chinese Christian Workers Inc.documentation, secure a permanent meeting venue, and accommodate pastoral staff, a fundraising campaign was initiated in 1997 to purchase a property. In November 2022, an ideal property was found, and through vigorous fundraising and borrowing, the property was officially purchased in March 2023. Currently, the Pastoral Staff Association still owes $150,000 to various churches and individuals from whom funds were borrowed, necessitating continued efforts to fundraise and repay these loans.

Leveraging the "51st Anniversary Thanksgiving and Vision Sharing Meeting cum Inauguration Ceremony," They once again appeal to our brothers and sisters who are kind-hearted and supportive of God's holy work, hoping that we can repay the debt soon and fully own this property. This is their sincere wish.